The walk in full body cryo chambers give a totally different experience than the cryosaunas. They don't get as cold since they don't use nitrogen. I have always gone in with other people, (the C4 Recovery is the one that I have the most experience with).
In the walk in cryochambers it is mandatory to wear a mask. These walk in types are way more expensive than the cryosaunas that hold 1 person. These cost around $150,000 to $500,000. Many pratitioners like these because they are safer to use and way less expensive. Most clinics have sizes that will at least let 4 people inside. I have only sold a few that can accommodate 8 people. There are custom ones that cost nearly a half million dollars but these are usually what professional teams buy.
the higher the amt of nitrogen thats injected in a treatment the stronger the flight/flight resonse in the body.
The Artic Cryosauna is popular also and it goes down to 120 degrees. The Artic is a super high density coolness of a cold and how someone feels it. It is very similar to Juka when I get a treatment. I urge those starting a cryo business to go to several places and try different brands and if one makes your knee or whatever joint problem feel much, then you know the degree on how effective it was. I also pay attention to the high I get. The endorphen rush feels great and the stronger the endrophen rush the more therapeutic the treatment is. In the Juka I feel it for 2 hours. If I go in one that has very low fluence I only feel it for 15 minutes.
Note: The multi-person cryochambers are also popular and are the ones over $150,000. They start at that price. Our best seller is the KrioSystems chamber. I rarely sell this one due to the price but the Krio Systems chamber is the best one I have reviewed
Note: 90% of the reasons people want to get out of a cryosauna do not require that flight or fight response and the indirect not so freezing type cryo chambers are fine but not for the other 10% that if they go in this type they will not get that fight or flight benefit they are looking for.
These non-nitrogen cryo chambers use less electricity and cost next to nothing to run them all day compared to the cryosaunas. Adding up the cost savings over time, I figured it takes almost 10 years to recuperate the cost difference.
Note: These require a 60 minute dry cycle every 4-5 hours. This is very important to know. Many times I have went to clinics at my appointment time and I had to wait for my session because of this.
With the walk in types, most people go in with minimal clothing. It's very lit up in there and everyone can see each other. Very little privacy. It's interesting who will be half naked (or mostly naked) each time you go especially being around naked strangers. One lady had a major rash. At least I though it was that. She said she had a skin disorder. She really didn't want to talk about it. I had to comment again because I never seen anything like that. I am talking black wiring hairs growing out of her back and they were alive and moving. She showed me her fingernails and it had hairs growing out of them. Google Morgellans and watch some videos to see what I saw. Here is a picture for someone just in case someone needs to know what they are looking at. It's not contagious so don't worry.
Note: I urge clinics using a cryochamber that have more than 1 person using it at the same time to make sure the chamber has a high fluence of cool air (if the non nitrogen type). If people are emitting lots of heat then the room temperature can drop quickly. When the temperature is really cold, even just the body heat of a person can cause the temperature of the room to change. The really high end cryo chambers have high fluence and can compensate for the extra body heat in the chamber.